Sunday, March 26, 2006

signed and sealed

three resumes and cover letters meet three position openings. so many more to find and link to better my odds at doing something else that hopefully, i will like.

if i had no fear and enough reserve money, i'd quite my job now (keeping insurance through cobra, of course) and make a living making art; selling art; thinking art; breathing art; living art.

but i have fear and no reserve money and until my non-allergic problems are determined (which i am beginning to think will be a long time coming), i still get up, drive an hour and work at a job i hate.

i hate very few things.


test results came back this last week. the doctor himself called me with the results. with the exception of one physician, all other doctors i've ever seen have the nurse do the calling with results unless there is something wrong. this doctor is not the exception i spoke of, so the abnormal results give possible hope to an answer to my misery and fear of a life-changing condition.

nothing is definite. no second opinion or multitude of tests has confirmed anything. at this point it is simply four abnormal test results, two specialists to consult with and one worried zelda.

bunny says it's just part of life...but it's not part of my life...or is it?

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