Tuesday, March 28, 2006

a nose by any other name...

more tests are in my future to try and unravel this mystery that is my misery. next week will find me at the E.N.T.'s office for yet another exam, patient history and more tests. this time the tests will include a nasal biopsy. nasal biopsy!?!?! i think we all know how much pulling a nose hair hurts. i am trying NOT to imagine how much a nasal biopsy will top out the pain meter.

they'd better give me valium...or at least a sticker...possibly a lollipop.



Ungruntled said...

This sounds like a job for 'nose candy.' :)

Fingers all crossed for you, Ms. Pinwheel. Hang in there.

karlthebunny said...

I'll make sure you have your lollipop love.
