Tuesday, June 27, 2006

make plans...

yeah, so, i was supposed to start my new job monday.


then, i planned to start today.


now, i'm hoping to start tomorrow.

see, i had a fabulous saturday with my s.i.l. i came home that afternoon, and by evening, i had a fever. by sunday, my stomach was revolting. today is my first day without a fever and 50 million trips to the "people box" (bathroom). sorry if that was too much information.

my fever has been down today and the pop rock feeling in my stomach is not so prevalent. i have eaten solid food with success and i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i will be upright and able to attend my first day at my new job tomorrow.

bunny told me he told one of my new bosses that i really did want to work there. so far, they have been quite patient with the situation.


Wednesday, June 14, 2006

d is for depression and j-o-b spells relief

yeah, yeah...i know. i've been lax in my blogging. i'm in recovery, you see. i'm recovering myself.

so i got some crazy pills to fight the blues and some sleepy pills to keep me snoozing all the night through. so far, good results. i remember who i am. i make it through the day without crying or getting angry over the little things that i would normally not even bother with.

bunny says he doesn't want to push me out of the car as often in the morning, either. good news, that.


in about a month, bunny and i will celebrate our first anniversary of mawwiage.
oy, vey!


so, i got a new job. (YESSSSS! WOO-HOO!) after 12 years, i am leaving the world of contract furniture (cubicle world)! i will soon be part of the landscape design world. i am soooo looking forward to learning about all kinds of growies and what to plant where, etc., etc.


yeah, so things are lookin' up. thank heavens.

anybody want to buy some jewelry?