Monday, April 13, 2009

7 days

t-minus 7 days and counting until baby arrives! i am excited, uncomfortable and mildly terrified. it will be good.

late into the night last night, bunny and i made the decision to put our house on the market in may. it is difficult, but it is the right one. we will have to either move back to the rental house we own or find someplace else to rent, depending on what our tenant does.

i find i am actually ok with this. i am planning the rooms and what will go where and i have a sense of calm. it will be a good base to start over and rebuild what we had started. we have learned a lot with our current house, much of it expensive, but valuable to us nonetheless.

at any rate, in about 7 days, we will have our baby in our arms and life begins anew again for us.