Monday, March 06, 2006

now serving you from a new location

yeah, so, i'm grieving.

i'm grieving the loss of my old blog. it's surprised me a bit how much it has affected me. i've lost the chronicles of the last 3 years of my life including my courtship with bunny, pieces I wrote for my mother and about my granny, poems and thoughts in small moments I don't remember anymore. bunny and I have also lost our joint blog that we wrote at when we lived apart and after we began living together.

i'm trying to get my legs back under me. i'm still feeling lousy most days-different levels of lousy-but I am trying to live through the pain of my non-allergic rhinitis syndrome/vaso-motor rhinitis/we-really-don't-know-what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-itis. I go in for a ct scan this thursday to rule out any polyps, deep infection or...fungus in my sinuses. yes, I said fungus. I have this mental image of tiny, little, phosphorescent mushrooms growing in my sinuses. bunny tells me my nose doesn't emit a glow in the dark, only snoring.

last weekend sucked for many reasons. i'm trying to find control and balance again. i'm lacking it and as we all know, a control freak without control is, well, out of control and really grumpy. i finally admitted the depth to which i miss my friends to bunny. it was a pretty tearful, snotty, nose-blowing mess.

i'm taking vacation today through wednesday. i've been thinking and sleeping, not at the same time. had my eyes checked today, posted to my spiritual discussion group and went for a nice, long walk with bunny this evening. now, it's time for a hot bath with the "aqua seltzer" I bought today in indian jasmine flavor from apothecurious.

i'm here permanently, it looks like, and I checked...blogger backs up all blogs regularly.

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