Tuesday, April 15, 2008

hope denied

we took a really sick stray kitty to the vet saturday. we (and a whole bunch of other people) found him at the town square. he was skin and bones and covered in icky stuff. everyone was standing around looking at him and i couldn't just stand there, so we took him to the vet.

it was really sad because he had FIV and mouth cancer, so he couldn't eat or drink. the whole time he was in such pain, he still wanted love and affection from us. he rose up to meet our stroking fingers as they bumped their way down his bony back. he head butted us to make us his and ask for more scritchings under his chin and rubbings on his ears. we ended up having to put him to sleep.

i cried.

i named him travelin' joe. i like to think he was looking for us when he showed up on the square because he didn't want to be in pain and have to starve any more; that he wanted a last bit of loving to make him feel like someone's baby again.

he was "ours" for about an hour and a half.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

As I already to your Bunnyman... the world thanks you both for caring and for trying your best to help out this kitty. Hugs!