Thursday, February 08, 2007

finding bliss

bunny saw oprah the other day (yes, my hubby bunny is an oprah fan) that was about women who looked MUCH younger than their chronological age. he informed me that one thing all these women have in common is they have found their bliss.

well, i've heard all about this finding one's bliss and bloom where you're planted and do what you love. my friends and i have from time-to-time discussed the marriage-career-family triad of having it all and whether this is true or not and how it might fit into the bliss equation.

i have come to the conclusion that my bliss is having a family (furry or otherwise), taking care of them and being creative with sewing or crocheting or jewelry-ing or art-ing. that career thing? not so much my bliss. do those things pay well? not so much.

now, i realize that bunny does not make enough (yet) for zelda to not work. so, i will whore for the furniture man and try hard not to make it a career any more. i am focusing my energies more to my creativity. THAT is my bliss. my kittens are my bliss. my bunny is my bliss. my friends are my bliss. my all-clad cookware and what i can do with it is my bliss. making pie is my bliss.

does this mean i really AM turning into donna reed? it might, but i am planning on buying stitch 'n bitch, the happy hooker to re-learn crocheting. is that something donna reed would do?


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