Wednesday, November 22, 2006

bunny wisdom

last night, bunny and i discussed the situation with my former boss. he made me realize it is not about what i said nor is it about my karma. it is more about her karma and how she reacted to the situation.

it really helps to have the bunny perspective.

i feel better about it. i'm still me and i'm not gonna change that.


i'm nursing a cold right now. i'm not down for the count, but i feel like i'm at round 12. i took today off and napped quite a bit. i've kept the anxiety at bay since my billable hours aren't fulfilled this week. no worries, i'll get them in later. my goals for this four day weekend are to make jewelry, make jewelry, make jewelry, finish a few things for da furniture man, spend time with my family and have date night with bunny.

my plan for date night is to bake holiday cookies with bunny (decorated, of course) and watch ice age-the meltdown. bunny says his plans for our next date night involve getting dressed up and going out.

i smell a shopping trip...

bunny is sleeping right now. i've made the "heavenly potatoes" for tomorrow's feast and will make the apple pie a la zelda tomorrow morning. the kittens are all snoozing and it is time for me to wash my face, say my prayers and go to bed.


1 comment:

karlthebunny said...

hey love,

remember when you are having worries about paychecks and billable hours,
that's why you took out a loan for more $$$ than you needed for your start up.
It's to cover those times when you need help...